Overheard in the Lounge...
"Producer-composer Craig Taubman's CD is a sophisticated blend of contemporary music and ancient Jewish liturgy...an addictive, compelling mix."
....................Lisa Traiger
....................The Washington Post
"...a funky, modern compilation of down-tempo versions of your favorite Passover songs…With its outrageous instrumentals, eclectic, laid back grooves and luscious vocals, The Passover Lounge will add spice to your seder."
....................Jewish Woman Magazine
"It goes down real easy with a glass of Manischewitz."
....................Suzanne Weiss
....................The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California
"...the humor is affectionate and endearing."
....................George Robinson
....................The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles
"The contemporary treatment of some of the old, familiar songs is like a breath of fresh air, and I'm sure my listeners will enjoy hearing it."
....................Barry Reisman
....................Program Host, WNWR AM, Pennsylvania
"The Passover Lounge is unique, fresh, and very tasty. So, nu?"
....................Cliff Gorov
....................Programming Director, All That Jazz
The Passover Lounge now hitting the airwaves on...
WCNI/New London, CT
WCHG/Hot Springs, VA
WEIB/Springfield, MA
WAZS/Charleston, SC
WRBP/Youngstown, OH
KECG/Oakland, CA
WTCC/Springfield, MA
KBAC/Santa Fe, NM
WBZC/Burlington, NJ
KOKY/Little Rock, AR
KSHK/Kauai, HI
WBFZ/Selma, AL
Cafe Jazz/Syndicated in Canada
WSMU/Dartmouth, MA