
Richard Kaplen - The Hidden One

Richard Kaplan - The  Hidden One


(Click a title to hear a sample)

1 Leshem Yikhud (Fo-r the Oneness)
2 Ani Nikhna (I Surrender)
3 Zikhrekha (Remembering You)
4 Barkhi Nafshi (Soul-Blessing)
5 Hakhanah Niggun (A Melody for Entering)
6 A Dudele (An Intimate Song for You)
7 A Sacred Song by Reb Nachman of Breslov
8 Sim Shalom (Bring About Peace)
9 Atah, Atah, Atah (You, You, You)
10 The Besht's Yedid Nefesh
11 Takhanun (Missing the Mark)
12 Memaley Kol Almin (You Fill All the Worlds)
13 A Sabbath Song by Reb Aharon of Karlin
14 Adir Vena'or (Strength and Illumination)
15 Traversing the Five Souls
16 Se'u Minkhah (The Offering)
17 A Melody for Leaving the Body
18 Birkat Kohanim (May You Be Blessed)

Here is a guy who is truly a voice of the Spirit. Check out Richard Kaplan's new CD, "The Hidden One". It's eclectic, engaging, and darn right fabulous!

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