


Craig has composed some great new music over the past year:


Commissioned by Cantor Chayim Frenkel and Congregation Kehillat Israel
Pacific Palisades, California - Spring 2004

L'Dor Vador
Commissioned by Cantor Robert LibermanĀ for Temple Adath Yeshurun
Syracuse NY - Winter 2004

Im Ayn Ani Li
Commissioned by Jewish Family and Life - Summer 2005

A Healing Service
Commissioned by Cantor Jay Fraylich and University Synagogue,
Los Angeles CA - Fall 2005

Pitchu Li
Commission by Shaare Zedek Synagogue,
St. Louis MO. - Fall 2005

Commissioned by Cantor David Tilman for Congregation Beth Sholom,
Elkins Park, PA - Winter 2005

Hafoch Va
For Miriam Berg

Lo Aleicha
For Cantor David Barash and Congregation Emanu-El B'ne Jeshurun


If you would like to discuss Commissioning a song, contact Rachel at rachelleah@craignco.com