Jewels of Elul VI - The Art of Beginning...Again

Elul 12
My Changing World
Sari Brandes

My safta wanted great grandchildren more than anything. In fact, when I was in my early twenties she sat me down and told me that the world was changing and that I no longer had to have a husband to give her great-grandchildren, that today I could have them on my own and find the right man to marry later.

At the time I laughed, but now I understand the wisdom she held, and know that she is so proud of us.

I have always known that I was meant to be a mother and while I thought I would have two children, I never imagined you would both come at once to complete our family. The idea of twins is overwhelming at times. I love the fact that I have you both and that you will always have each other. You are a blessing that I could not have imagined.

My mother, Susie, or as you will call her, Lala, has taught me many things. The first is that many hands make light work. I have many people who will lend their hands and help me raise you both to be good and loving people, who care for those around them and give back in meaningful ways. The second lesson was to count my blessings. We have too many to count, but the love they bestow on us all is real.

My hope is that you be lifelong best friends. That you support one another and lift each other up rather than compete. That you share your lives and your secrets. That you use each other as sounding boards and keep each other on track and moving forward. And when life gets challenging, that you know that you have both me and each other to help guide and support you.

Sari Brandes is a life and learning coach and proud mother of twins.

Today's Jewels of Elul Blogger is David Abitbol. Click here to read his thoughts on The Art of Beginning Again.

If you had to name two things you learned from your mother, what would they be? Does she know that these are things you learned from her?
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