
Inscribed is an extraordinary collection of songs for the High Holidays or any holy day. Thirteen emotional, contemplative and uplifting melodies that elevate the soul and the spirit, creating a bridge between the ancient liturgy and the modern worshipper.

“Craig's music is the authentic, age old voice of Jewish spirit expressed through the driving beat of modern music.”

..........- Rabbi David Wolpe

“Craig once again shows us his uncanny skill of taking a profound thought and making it beautifully accessible. These liturgical settings will become "the American Jewish standard." 

..........- Cantor Alberto Mizrahi


All songs, lyrics, and vocals by
Craig Taubman

Produced by
Craig Taubman with Chris Hardin and Dale Schatz for Craig 'n Co.

Click on the song titles
to hear a sample.

1. Hayom
2. Adonai Ori
3. L'Dor Vador
4. V'al Kulam
5. Papa's Niggun # 9
6. Hayom Harat Olam
7. Sha'alu
8. B'Rosh Hashana
9. Hiney Anochi
10. La'Yehudeem
11. Eliyah
12. Adonai Ori V1.8
13. Im Ain Ani Li

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$15 for 1 copy of the Inscribed CD
and any other Craig 'N Co. CD
(plus shipping and handling).

Click Here to Order Sheet Music from Inscribed.